Welcome to Class Three

Class teacher: Mrs Turner

Teaching Assistants: Ms Adams

Welcome back Class Three!

I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and are ready for the exciting term ahead.


Reading with your child is extremely beneficial to their learning. Daily reading is essential and discussing the texts with them helps to develop their reading comprehension skills. Please read daily with your child and sign their reading record. It is important that your child brings their reading record to school daily.

Homework will be given out on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday. Please work together to make homework fun but it should be children’s own work.  Children should ensure it is completed to the best of their ability and neatly presented.

Spellings will be given each week and will need to be returned on Wednesday. We will practise these spellings with a spelling test every Friday.

PE is on Wednesdays. Children will come to school in their PE kit with a school jumper or cardigan and school shoes. We will change into outdoor shoes for PE. No earrings are to be worn during PE.

School uniform including PE kits, coats, outdoor shoes should all be labelled clearly. Your child will need to bring in a water bottle for school each day.

Summer Term 2024

This term in Literacy, we will be reading humorous stories by a range of authors. We will explore how the authors create humour in their stories before we write our own. We will also be learning about the features of information texts before conducting own research, using a range of books and the internet, and creating our own information texts.

In Maths we be using maths mastery techniques to help us to develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. We will be learning about position and direction and the correct mathematical vocabulary to describe this. We also be learning how to tell the time and measure mass, capacity and temperature.

In Science we will be exploring materials and how some materials can change states of matter and how this occurs. We will also investigate different living things and what they need from their habitat.

During RE this term, we will be learning about the importance of showing care and concern for others. We will consider how the world was made and what Christian’s think God is like.


This term we will be learning about the lives of some significant figures in history, including JFK and Martin Luther King. We will also be learning about the moon landings and Neil Armstrong.


In Geography we will be learning about the oceans and continents. We will be exploring the difference between a country and a continent and a sea and an ocean. We will look closely at the physical features of the five oceans and compare and contrast them.

In music we will be revisiting all of the songs we have learnt this year. We will recap our learning by continuing to explore how we find the pulse in music and play instruments along to the music.

In Computing we will be focusing significantly on e-safety. We will also be learning how to collect data and present this in a spreadsheet and pictograms. We will also learn how to create a fact file and present our findings to the class.

This term in Art, we are going to be exploring ancient art, including art from a range of different ancient civilisations, including Ancient Egypt and the Mesopotamians. We will also explore how, throughout time, different artists from around the world have presented the sea in their art.