Moments of Spiritual Wonder

What is Wonder?

Wonder is a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable. God provides us all with many opportunities, every day, to enjoy moments of wonder. We just need to slow down and take the time to appreciate them.

Wonder begins in the senses, comes alive in the imagination, and flourishes in adoration of the Divine. It arises from our natural curiosity about the grand adventure of life.

We encourage our pupils, staff and families to see the “wonder” in the world around them every day. These glimmers of joy are worth celebrating and they often bring us closer to God.

Ethan (Year 3) – It was a frosty morning and the children were lining up ready to come into school. Ethan approached his line saying “Wow! Look at this. It is beautiful.” The children and adults in the playground then took a minute or so to appreciate the beauty of the top of the frozen bird bath that Ethan had carried over to his line. It looked like a clear and flat snowflake with incredibly delicate ice patterns around the edges. Thank you for sharing your moment with everyone Ethan.

Year 3 & 4 Tag Rugby Team – At the Hertford Rugby Club Tag Rugby Festival the teacher was called over to the edge of the pitch by his team. They had found a large bumble bee and were keen to see it safely removed before it was trampled. The teacher carefully picked up the bee and the team took a moment to look closely at this beautiful creature before relocating to a safer spot.