Welcome to Class One

Teachers: Mrs Morgan and Mr Shillito

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Cant


Homework will be given on a Friday and returned by the following Wednesday. This should be children’s own work and they should spend roughly 30 minutes on each piece. Children should ensure it is completed to the best of their ability. Homework consists of reading, spellings and maths.

Daily reading is essential. It is still beneficial to listen to children read at this age, and discussion of texts once children have read really helps their understanding. Reading to your child is also extremely important as it supports their learning even in Years 5 and 6. Reading records will be checked daily. Please sign and date your child’s reading record.

Spellings will be sent home each week ready to be learnt for a test the following week.

Times tables – we will play the Golden 100 Times Tables game each week so don’t forget to work on them at home. “Hit the button” is a great web based game that will help you learn them. We also do daily times tables to support children’s table knowledge. White Rose Maths offer a free app which consists of mini timed activities to support children’s learning across the Key Stages. We will also be doing a daily ‘Mastering Number’ sessions to build on children’s’ number skills and develop fluency.

PE lessons are on Wednesdays. No earrings and suitable footwear please. Children will come to school in their PE kit on Wednesday’s wearing a school jumper or school cardigan over the top.

Please ensure your child has an art shirt/apron or an old T-shirt in their bag.
Your help in ensuring children have the right resources each day is brilliant. However, as children reach the top of the school a sense of responsibility and independence is even better. It will prove invaluable once they reach secondary school.


Spring Term 2025 

Welcome back Class One – hope you all had a lovely Christmas break, eating lots of turkey and biscuits! Class One have come back ready to go in 2025 and we are looking forward to the spring term ahead.

In English we are exploring  flashbacks and we are using books for the Harry Potter series; looking at ways to include flashbacks within our writing. We will explore a range of grammatical terms and devices in order to develop our sentence structures and vocabulary, such as, relative’s clauses, suffixes and tenses.

In Maths we are using mastery techniques to develop a solid knowledge base of different mathematical concepts. This enables children to develop a deeper understanding. We are continuing this term by exploring division – delving into long division.

Times tables are a vital skill to improve children’s accuracy and speed in mathematics, we will work on these regularly in school and it is vital to continue to recall these at home too.

In Science we will be completing a unit of work called THE HUMAN SPECIES. Later in the term we will complete a unit of work called THEATRE LIGHTING TECHNICIANS where we will be learning about light.

During RE sessions we are exploring ideas of revelation in Muslim Living, continuing to look at the importance of the Qur’an to Muslims.


We will be exploring the ancient civilisation of the Maya. Children will learn who they were, when and where they lived and also what makes the Maya a significant ancient civilisation.


We are exploring South America, with a focus on population, rivers and mountains.

In music we will be completing units of work based on jazz.

Modern Foreign Language (French)

In French we will complete a unit of work called Je suis le musicien (I am the music man). Later in the term we will complete a unit of work called Notre monde (The world around us).

We will be exploring Pop Art and looking at works by famous artist such as Andy Warhol. Children will learn what Pop Art is, where it originated from and create their own pieces of work influenced by the style.