Class teacher: Mrs Turner
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Wilson
Welcome back Class Three!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and are ready for the exciting term ahead.
Reading with your child is extremely beneficial to their learning. Daily reading is essential and discussing the texts with them helps to develop their reading comprehension skills. Please read daily with your child and sign their reading record. It is important that your child brings their reading record to school daily.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday. Please work together to make homework fun but it should be children’s own work. Children should ensure it is completed to the best of their ability and neatly presented.
Spellings will be given each week and will need to be returned on Wednesday. We will practise these spellings with a spelling test every Friday.
PE is on Wednesdays. Children will come to school in their PE kit with a school jumper or cardigan and school shoes. We will change into outdoor shoes for PE. No earrings are to be worn during PE.
School uniform including PE kits, coats, outdoor shoes should all be labelled clearly. Your child will need to bring in a water bottle for school each day.
Spring Term 2025
In Literacy we will be explore fiction texts, including stories with familiar settings as wales of tales from a variety of cultures. We will learn how these stories are structured before planning and writing our own. We will also explore non-fiction texts and use these to help us write instructions and recounts. We will also learn about poems before writing our own.
In Maths we be using maths mastery techniques to help us to develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. We will revisit and develop our working with addition and subtraction before moving on to multiplication and division. We will also use a range of equipment to explore measuring length and height. We will finish the term by learning about statistics.
In Science we will be exploring materials and their properties. We will consider which materials are waterproof and test our ideas. We will explore which materials are best suited for different purposes and consider why.
During RE sessions we will be learning about stories and books in Christianity. We will explore parables and what Jesus taught us about God and how ideas about God are passed on in the Christian community. We will also be learning about Christian Prayer and Worship.
We will be learning about The Great Fire of London. We will learn how the fire started, how and why it spread so vastly and how London was rebuilt. We will also be learning about The Gunpowder Plot. We will explore who Guy Fawkes was, how his plot was discovered and how life changed for many people after the event.
In Geography we will be learning about maps and map skills. We will explore the 5 oceans, the seven continents and our place within the world. We will learn how to use a compass rose as means of navigation.
In music we will be completing a units of work based on the songs ‘Rhythm in the way we walk’, ‘Banana rap’ and ‘Hands, feet, heart’. We will learn to identify the instruments we hear in music and play our own instruments in time with the music.
In Computing we will be focusing significantly on e-safety. We will be learning how to use algorithms to sort objects into categories. We will also be learning how to use online programs to look at features of different artists’ work and create our own art in these styles.
We will be focusing on how food and hobbies have inspired artists over the years and we will explore the work of Paul Cezanne and Georges Seurat. We will practise some of the techniques they used in their work to create our own masterpieces!
Design and Technology
We will be learning about different slider and lever mechanisms. We will look at existing products for inspiration before designing, making and evaluating our own greetings cards using slider mechanisms and grabbers using lever mechanisms.