Welcome to Class Two


Class teacher: Mrs Mali

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Adams


Reading is an important part of school life and children need to read every day. Help your child become fluent when reading by listening to them read every day! Please ensure that children have their reading records at school every day, as children will need these during guided reading.  Reading records will be checked daily, to see if your child has read.


Spellings are set on spelling frame for the week.  Children all have access to their log in details and will be tested every Friday.  They will have the opportunity to learn their spellings at school. Spellings homework will be set on Friday and tested on the following Friday.

Maths homework

Maths homework will be sent home on a Friday and homework books need to be handed in on the following Wednesday, so that they can be marked.

Times tables

We practise our times tables daily, through chanting them as a song.  It is a great and fun way to practise those times tables.  ‘Hit the button’ is a fantastic website for the children to practice their tables on.


Children will have PE lessons every Wednesday. Please ensure children are wearing the correct PE Kit and are wearing suitable footwear




Autumn Term

Welcome back to an exciting new term. We are very excited to be back at school. This term, we are really busy working on learning the new routines of KS2, as well as all the exciting new learning that will be going on!


In Literacy, the children will be reading a variety of stories and folktales from other cultures and then writing their own alternative folktale.  Children will also be listening to humorous poems and then writing their own funny poetry.


This term, children will focus on developing key skills, such as ordering and comparing numbers, addition and subtraction, problem solving involving multiplication and division, fractions and money.


Our Geography lessons will focus on children developing their geographical skills. They will be using maps to locate the worlds continents, oceans and countries.  Children will focus on understanding structures and divisions of the earth, specifically volcanoes, earthquakes and plate tectonics.


In Science the children will learn about forces and magnets. Children will learn about different types of forces. They will have the opportunity to investigate magnetic poles, magnetic attractions and how friction and force are linked.


The children will be learning about reconciliation and how Christians show that reconciliation with God and other people is important.