Welcome to Class Two

Class teacher: Mrs Mali

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Cornell



Daily reading is essential.  Reading with your child and discussing the text with them is significant in developing their comprehension and inference skills.  Please ensure your child has their reading record in school as this is checked daily.


Spellings are set on spelling frame for the week.  Children all have access to their log in details and will be tested every Friday.  They will have the opportunity to learn their spellings at school. Spellings homework will be set on Friday and tested on the following Friday.

Maths Homework

Maths homework will be sent home on a Friday and homework books need to be handed in on the following Wednesday, so that they can be marked.

Times tables

We practise our times tables daily, through chanting them as a song.  It is a great and fun way to practise those times tables.  ‘Hit the button’ is a fantastic website for the children to practice their tables on.


Children will have PE lessons every Wednesday and swimming on Friday. Please ensure children have suitable footwear please and the correct PE kit/swim wear.  Please do not forget that all kit should be labelled.




Spring Term

Welcome back to an exciting new term. It is going to be a very busy one!


In literacy, the children will be learning about stories from imaginary worlds and have a chance to read Fantastic Mr Fox.  They will then have the opportunity to write their own adapted version of the story. Children will also be writing some traditional poems and learning how to write their own non chronological report based on the famous Harry Potter books.


This term, children will focus on mastering key skills involving addition and subtraction.  The children will secure their knowledge of multiplication and division and begin to develop their understanding of fractions.  Every week the children will have the opportunity to put their learning into practise with a problem-solving lesson.


Our RE lessons will be focusing on the Hindu concept of karma.  They will have the opportunity to explore a Hindu understanding of the key concept through Hindu Narrative, community practise and Hindu living.  We will also be learning about Easter.


The children will be learning about Ancient Egyptians. They will learn to understand the significance of the Ancient Egyptians and how the kingdom of Egypt was created.  They will develop their understanding of the chronological timeline and create timelines to depict significant dates of the Ancient Egyptian era.


This spring term, the children will be developing their knowledge about locational knowledge and learn about Europe.  Along with understanding key aspects, such as population, rivers and the different mountain ranges in Europe, children will also have the opportunity to investigate some of the cultural differences between eastern and western European countries.


In Science the children will learn about living things and their habitats.  The children will explore different living things within their local environment. Through the term, children will also be learning about Plants and the life cycle of a plant.