Last week in Class 4: The children enjoyed taking in some exercises with Mr Clemo to mark National Fitness Day. We have also been enjoying learning new sounds in Phonics. Here we are playing ‘Silly Soup’ where we are looking at things that begin with our focus sound ‘p’. ...

CORONAVIRUS BLOG Every day we will aim to post a blog relating to how we are all coping in these extraordinary times. Teachers, teaching assistants, office staff, site managers, cleaners, pupils, parents/carers and governors etc. will all be asked to contribute. Hopefully we can create a...

On Wednesday 26th September 2018 we celebrated the Harvest at a service in church. Thank you so much for your generous donations to the food bank. They really do make a difference. Well done children - your singing and behaviour in church was outstanding, as...

The children have been enjoying a Rollerskating after school club over the past few weeks. It has been a huge success. Lots of smiles and laughter and no major crashes.     ...

The auditions have taken place, the roles allocated and rehearsals commenced. Brace yourselves for the KS2 end of year performance of TREACHERY AT TRAITORS' QUAY. As usual there will be two performances. Save the dates: 6:30pm Tuesday 10th July 6:30pm Wednesday 11th July...

4th June 2018 8:30am The children are arriving at school very excited. 9:30am And they're off!!! Keep checking the blog throughout the trip for updates. 2:00pm The children have arrived, eaten lunch and are now at their first activity...