
The National Curriculum

Click here to access the Primary National Curriculum


Stapleford Primary School Curriculum

Stapleford Primary School – Vision and Values

Stapleford Primary School Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

Stapleford Primary School Early Years Foundation Stage – Two-year year rolling programme

Stapleford Primary School – Years 1-6 Curriculum Map – Two-year rolling programme

How we assess attainment and progress

List of activities that enhance our curriculum

How we teach safeguarding

How we teach Sex and Relationship Education

Subjects: Skills and progression

Art and Design

Art and Design – Skills and Progression Document

Art and Design Curriculum – What will the children learn?


Computing – Skills and Progression Document

Computing Curriculum – What will the children learn?

Design & Technology

Design & Technology – Skills and Progression Document

Design and Technology Curriculum – What will the children learn?

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

EYFS – What will the children learn?


Geography – Skills and Progression Document

Geography Curriculum – What will the children learn?


History – Skills and Progression Document

History Curriculum – What will the children learn?


MATHS in our Early Years Foundation Stage

Maths – Overview of Early Years Maths Curriculum

Mathematics – Skills and Progression Document

Modern Foreign Language (FRENCH)

French – Skills and Progression Document

French Curriculum – What will the children learn?


Music – Skills and Progression Document

Music – Curriculum – What will the children learn?

Physical Education

Physical Education – Skills and Progression Document

Physical Education – What will the children learn?


PSHE – Skills and Progression Document

PSHE Curriculum – What will the children learn?


Religious Education – Skills and Progression Document

RE Curriculum – What will the children learn?


Science – Skills and Progression Document

Science – What will the children learn?

Stapleford Primary School – Curriculum Framework

  1. To develop the appropriate subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum, so that children can flourish, reach and exceed their potential academically, physically and artistically.
  2. To develop learners to have a holistic set of values that prepares them for life in the modern world in a diverse and ever changing community.
  3. To develop the behaviours learners need to succeed in the world such as concentration, perseverance, imagination, co-operation, the enjoyment of learning, self-improvement and curiosity.
  4. To understand spirituality in themselves and others, develop social skills and understand society, build a firm set of personal morality, and to engage in the culture they live in and understand the cultures of others.
  • Our Two Year Rolling Programme document contains details of the implementation of our school curriculum.
  • Our curriculum is carefully planned to ensure that children’s learning is centred on age appropriate skills. We take this approach in all subjects.
  • The learning of fundamental British Values and opportunities to develop wider understanding of the modern world is embedded within the school curriculum and delivered through our value based learning.
  • In Reading, we teach the key skills needed to become a great reader – understanding inference, retrieval of information, authorial intent, understanding of text layout to name a few. Children access author based book collections, the school library, have high quality reading experiences and teachers ensure that children regularly read at home and in school.
  • We use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised Synthetic Phonics Programme alongside the Collins Big Cat reading books (they have been designed to work together) to ensure there is a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics.
  • In Writing, children learn to become great writers through experiencing quality texts. They study a new book each half term, and generate high quality writing opportunities from this.
  • In Maths, children develop mathematical skills through a Concrete – Pictorial – Abstract approach.
  • In the foundation subjects, we use a progressive, skill based curriculum to ensure all of the foundation subjects are taught at age appropriate level and through an engaging enquiry format.
Impact / achievement
  • Academic performance is measured against Age Related Expectation statements or milestones set out for each subject. This ensures we pitch lessons at the correct level, are able to accurately assess all of our subjects and can monitor the progress of every child.
  • At Stapleford Primary School children are taught in mixed age classes e.g. Years 1 & 2 together etc. Our curriculum sets out progression in the form of three ‘Milestones’. The children work towards each Milestone for two years. During the first year pupils attain an understanding of the skills set out in the Milestone and during the second year they develop an advanced or deeper understanding. Each Milestone contains a range of descriptors which provide details of the skills to be covered. Over a two-year period, students become more and more familiar with these details by exploring them in a breadth of contexts. This helps pupils to “know more” and “remember more.”



A little more detail……………..

At Stapleford Primary the approach to language teaching is to make it a meaningful exercise for the children. Written work is closely linked to reading work and interesting language features of texts are discussed with the children. There are then opportunities for the children to use that style themselves.
The school promotes a partnership approach to reading, in which the sharing of books is prominent. Each class allocates time for guided reading sessions which enables the children to read together and discuss their comprehension of the text. A wide range of non-fiction and fiction books are studied to foster motivation for all children. 
Drama is used actively throughout the school curriculum and is seen as an ideal medium to achieve many of the school aims.

During mathematics lessons teachers emphasise the use and application of the mathematical knowledge that the children learning. This is achieved through the provision of mathematical investigations and problem solving activities which, as far as possible, are set in the context of children’s everyday experiences and the on-going project. The development of mathematical language is achieved by encouraging the children to  think about and discuss their work. The children are constantly being asked to prove their mathematical understanding by using sentence starters such as “I know this because…” or “I can prove this fact by….” Specific mathematical vocabulary is targeted as a part of each maths plan. Computer software and a variety of mathematical games and equipment are used throughout the school as a resource base to support learning.

The school  sees the skills of observing, hypothesising, testing and evaluation as the core of the scientific process through which the body of knowledge is absorbed. The children are involved in a wide variety of first-hand experience in order that these skills may be developed. The school’s ample science resources help greatly to achieve this aim.

Religious Education
This involves both specific areas of learning and the creation of an overall ethos for the school, which, as it is a Church of England foundation, is based on Christian principles. However, we wish the children to embrace today’s multi-faith society and therefore we include study of Sikhism, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism as part of the programme of learning. Parents have a legal right to withdraw their children from this curriculum area.
We teach Religious Education in an open and honest manner to allow the spirit and minds of the children to flourish and develop. We do not seek only to impart knowledge but also to develop understanding of religious experiences, feelings and attitudes. We believe RE is concerned with the spiritual growth of children, with those feelings and beliefs that arise out of experience and that influence the search for meaning and purpose to life. RE therefore offers a distinctive area for learning, making a unique contribution to the education offered at Stapleford.

Multi-Cultural Education

In designing our curriculum we have considered the location of our school and the experiences that our pupils are exposed to on a regular basis. Specific curriculum choices have then been made to ensure that our pupils learn about a diverse range of topics that are inclusive and multi-cultural. Our aim is to develop the children’s understanding of a variety of cultures. The school is committed to its policy on equal opportunities and is active in its desire to eliminate racial harassment.

All the children in the school have access to and dedicated lessons in our networked, multi-media computer suite. We have invested heavily in our computer technology to produce a suite where the children can work on fast machines on a one-to-one basis. Computers are seen as a vital tool for the development of learning and information handling and an integral part of the learning process. This is aided considerably by the interactive whiteboards, iPads and Chromebooks. The school has a library of software to support all curriculum areas. We aim for the children to understand the important part information technology plays in all our lives, to be able to handle it competently and value this asset.

Geography and History
These areas of knowledge are approached in a manner that encourages children to question and observe primary and secondary evidence. School visits are therefore an integral part of these curriculum areas and are encouraged. Our rich local environment provides many opportunities to clarify and initiate points of learning.

Art, Design and Technology
Teachers plan and organise classroom activity where pupils can engage with and handle a variety of materials and develop skills in drawing, painting, pottery, collage, textiles, printing and modelling. This activity underpins knowledge and reinforces understanding. The children are encouraged to plan, produce and then evaluate their designs. This ethos leads to swift improvements in the children’s achievements.

There is a strong musical tradition at Stapleford School. The School Choir rehearse and perform regularly with outstanding results. Visits from peripatetic staff considerably enhance our music curriculum. Group guitar and individual piano, stings, woodwind and brass lessons are available for children from a very young age so that considerable expertise is achieved by the time the children move on to secondary school.
There are regular concert opportunities for the children to exhibit their increasing musical achievements.